Proven Leader in Healthcare

Our products are made with our community in mind. We work with our manufacturers and distributors to ensure we get the proper ingredients for the highest quality products from major brands. We negotiate with suppliers to cut costs and provide those discounts back to you in form of cost-sensitive Over-The-Counter medications that are available at all major retailers like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart.


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Eye care solutions


Lubricants are the first-line treatment for many causes of ocular irritation, in particular for dry eye.


Along with drops, ointments are used to treat many eye problems. Because they go right into your eye, they can start to work much faster than a medicine you take by mouth.


DELSAM Pharma’s eye care products are the perfect additions to your self-care routine and your new go-to OTC medications at a fraction of the cost of major brands!

Same ingredients, better price!

Delsam Pharma’s Artificial Tears are designed to help prevent dry and itchy eyes.

Delsam Pharma’s Artificial Eye Ointment is the perfect night treatment for eye discomfort and dryness.


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